Showing posts with label Teamwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teamwork. Show all posts

Resume Experience: How to Show Teamwork Skills

As you write your resume experience statements, you want to be sure that you show your teamwork skills. Highly valued by employers, teamwork skills ensure that you will be able to function well with the existing staff. Naturally, you can't simply tell employers you have great teamwork skills. You have to show them.

Use team-based keywords. Team-based keywords indicate that you worked with others or managed others on a specific task. When you developed, partnered, communicated, or followed up, you had to work with other people to get that task done. You can also visit the free Resume Dictionary for a full list of power words for teamwork skills that you can use to create winning resume experience [] statements.

Include team-based activities. Team-based activities include organizing tasks, meeting with others, and leading work groups. Quantify these occasions where possible, and focus on statements that show how your ability to work with others led to a positive outcome at the firm. You can also illustrate ways that you shared or made sacrifices for other members of the group to illustrate your team-oriented attitude.

Link other skills to teamwork. To get your point about team skills across you don't need to use the word team as a club. Instead, you can use your resume experience statements to allude to your teamwork skills with other skills, especially shared technical expertise. Creating reports may have been an individual task, but including your presentation to the group transforms this into a team-based activity. Illustrate ways that others were involved to paint a picture of a solid team player.

Letting a potential employer know that you work well with others is a huge plus. Be sure to rehearse answers to interview questions that show you are a team player also. Know what is on your resume and how to express your skills in the best light.
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