From office work to freelance writing, hiring the right employee for the job is never as easy as it looks. In general, you'll always face prospective workers that possess more inexperience than they say they do, abandon a project just before it finishes, and prefer to play World of Warcraft over keeping things moving. The tech industry is not much different, except that the ever-changing nature of technology makes finding the best person for the job that much more of an obstacle.
The ubiquity of technology in this era means that an applicant's education status is not as much of a guarantee of expertise that one might think. It is not uncommon to see a high school student work with a computer at such a level to make a doctorate holder in computer science look like a sixth-grader. Still, a good education is always a plus - just don't bet all your chips on it.
Likewise, we can't always trust experience as a bellwether for good candidates. So you have one prospect with ten years of programming experience versus one with just four. The former could be proficient in nothing but Java while the latter at least possesses working knowledge of C++, Python, Perl, and even a little COBOL. Depending on the situation, which is better?
If finding the right tech employee is simply too well, technical for you, you could always put your trust in an experienced staffing company. CSI Tech Inc., a division of The CSI Companies headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, specializes in getting the right tech people hired for the right jobs. They take special care in knowing the candidates they sponsor and the companies that request their services inside and out. Having been acquired by Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd., the fourth-largest staffing firm in the world, they must be doing it right.
Sometimes the problem is not getting the right tech person hired, but rather making your technology work period. CSI Tech Inc. works not only with people acquisition, but also technology solutions. Their consulting services can supply any company with the resources and manpower to get your technology working in a way that can compete in the ever-shifting marketplace.
Whether you need someone at your offices or you can outsource your technological needs, the wrong person can instantly transform that new smartphone you've been developing into a million-dollar line of bricks. Know how to find the right employee, or at least know who can find that right employee for you.
The ubiquity of technology in this era means that an applicant's education status is not as much of a guarantee of expertise that one might think. It is not uncommon to see a high school student work with a computer at such a level to make a doctorate holder in computer science look like a sixth-grader. Still, a good education is always a plus - just don't bet all your chips on it.
Likewise, we can't always trust experience as a bellwether for good candidates. So you have one prospect with ten years of programming experience versus one with just four. The former could be proficient in nothing but Java while the latter at least possesses working knowledge of C++, Python, Perl, and even a little COBOL. Depending on the situation, which is better?
If finding the right tech employee is simply too well, technical for you, you could always put your trust in an experienced staffing company. CSI Tech Inc., a division of The CSI Companies headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, specializes in getting the right tech people hired for the right jobs. They take special care in knowing the candidates they sponsor and the companies that request their services inside and out. Having been acquired by Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd., the fourth-largest staffing firm in the world, they must be doing it right.
Sometimes the problem is not getting the right tech person hired, but rather making your technology work period. CSI Tech Inc. works not only with people acquisition, but also technology solutions. Their consulting services can supply any company with the resources and manpower to get your technology working in a way that can compete in the ever-shifting marketplace.
Whether you need someone at your offices or you can outsource your technological needs, the wrong person can instantly transform that new smartphone you've been developing into a million-dollar line of bricks. Know how to find the right employee, or at least know who can find that right employee for you.